Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thankful Thursdays

With all the craziness that comes with a new baby I am sure the blogging will not always be consistent, but Since Griffin was born on a Thursday I want to always make sure and do a post of his weekly updates.  Sitting watching the Celtics and Heat game tonight with Joe I am trying to figure out a title for these posts... While Joe is giving Griff a bottle, he looks down at him, and says..."Thankful Thursdays".  It is perfect!  So now every Thursday we will have random pictures from the week and something we as Griffin's parents, are Thankful for!

10 weeks old today...

We are thankful for Griffin's cousins that love him so much and live so close (and when I say close I mean like 5 houses away has been amazing!)

Cousin Delaney holding me and loving it ...

Then I tooted and this was her reaction
"Take him please"

Then Cousin Brody held me for the first time ever!!

Then Cousin Delaney wanted me back

(I love the worried look on his face)

And of course on these posts we will always end it with his weekly picture!

I'm 10 weeks old today!

Our little Bronco fan!

My little Love Monkey!


  1. So cute! Love the pictures and the captions! Keep posting :)

  2. I'm thankful that you're posting all these great pictures!
