Friday, September 21, 2012

Thankful Thursday (a day late)

Griffin has been a bit more consuming than usual so it is a day late but I am still THANKFUL!!

I am thankful for FOOTBALL SEASON!

I absolutely LOVE football season!  It makes for such fun Sundays spent with my AMAZING husband and SUPER AWESOME baby, and totally special pups too!  I am especially excited for this season because we have a bigger house then we did before so we are able to have friends and family over to watch the games!!

This football season is also especially awesome because we are going to get a lot more of the games!  Lately (over the past few seasons, since stupid McDaniels came and destroyed our team) Denver has not been too great so they don't broadcast the games most places but Denver....but now we have Manning!!  Which means more prime time games which means we get more!  But No matter what we will see every single Bronco game!

Joe should be a commentator.  If you ever come over to watch a game he is the guy who knows it before the real commentators.  It always continues to amaze me how much he actually knows about football!  I can't wait for him to pass the football madness gene over to our baby boy!  Little G will know more by the age of 5 then most men do about football!  This is very serious!

So in honor of the good ol' Broncos....I set up a photo session....who needs Picture People!

I am 25 weeks (and one day) old today!

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