Monday, August 20, 2012

Our trip to Denver - Day 3

Day 3      - Monday
Family and Friends
Day 3 was spent meeting more family and good friends!

First we stopped by my Uncle Rick and Aunt Terri's place!  My Papa and Darlene came for lunch as well.  By day 3 Griffin was a bit cranky but he was a good sport!

Uncle Rick

Aunt Terri

"Get up Papa...No sitting down while holding me!"

"Let me chew on your finger!"

Uncle Rick, Papa, Darlene, Mama and G

Next we headed to Nanny's so she could meet lil G
 flirting with his Nanny
 G is NOT a sleeper right now, and especially not during this trip but something about Nanny's house made him so relaxed he just passed out

 My Nanny and me

 I love G just passed out in the back
 Woke up to talk to Nanny

 Sayin bye bye

After Nanny's house we headed back to Grandpa and Grandma's house for a little play time with their new puppy Rocky and some quality time with Grandpa, Uncle Stephen and Uncle David 
 So cute!

 givin Joe kisses

 Grandpa Joe got G his new favorite action figure (not doll) Superman

 Uncle David's babysitting techniques --body pillow and watch

Jumping time!

 Hey that's me!
SO CUTE! (Rocky...not me)
After family time we went to the BBQ for Derek's birthday!
Griffin got to meet some of our amazing friends~

 Nesto, Joe, Derek and G
Time to get ready for bed!

 Night Night time with Grandpa Joe
 Time for Video games for Joe and Uncle Stephen

Day 3 down 2 more to go


  1. Griffin met so many people, what an amazing bad exhausting trip for him!!! :) going to be hard to teach him what a stranger is later with all the people he meets :)
